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Maple Story Overview

Written by GenYong on 5:27 PM

A warrior that takes down the enemies and monsters, protecting the town in the process?
A bowman who can pierce the hearts of enemies with an arrow and a bow?
A magician that can wield mystical powers of magic at will?
A thief that thrives in shadows, using quick hands to stun the enemies?
At Maple Island, the NPC's will help you in learning simple hunting skills and basic control of the game. Then, you'll board the ship that heads to Victoria Island, and that's where your journey REALLY begins.

As of Lith Harbor that welcomes you after a long journey from Maple Island, you'll explore your way to other towns; Henesys - the village of bowmen with comfy mushroom-shaped houses gathered together; Ellinia - the village of magicians with mysterious spells embedded between tall trees; Perion - the village of warriors with the fighting spirit typical of the Indians living in highlands; and Kerning City - the village of thieves that reminds you of the back alleys of dark cities.
You'll be playing the game at Victoria Island where all these diverse and unique towns and fields coexist.

Here, you are going to be just a regular gamer hunting down monsters and protecting yourself in the process. You'll be given 4 paths to choose from, 4 that will define your life in MapleStory: Warrior, Bowman, Thief, and Magician. Through leveling up and meeting some requirements, you'll be able to make job advancements and nurture your character in your own, unique way.

In addition to hunting for monsters, exploring new maps in Maple World, you may chat and interact with other characters or friends using face expression and emotion. Dress up your character with beautiful clothes, gorgeous accessories and powerful weapons. Hunt for items to complete a quest or make a weapon, clothes or accessories. Trade with other characters in gaining items you need. Team up with other characters to hunt for monsters and play mini-games during your journey. There are more in MapleStory for your exploration.

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